Sunday, January 9, 2022

New Akan Hotel - Hokkaido

The facilities at the hotel are incredible and the hotel features a roof top onsen that blends into the scenerey. Very impressive!

Visit their website (in English) for more information HERE.

New Akan Hotel - Hokkaido

Visiting Lake Akan and staying over at the New Akan Hotel. A visit to their website is found HERE.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Akan Hotel

Visiting Lake Akan and staying over at the New Akan Hotel. A visit to their website is found HERE.

Matsuyama Castle Cameo Appearance in Classic Japanese Film - Kagemusha (影武者, Shadow Warrior)

Kagemusha (影武者, Shadow Warrior) MORE ON THE FILM HERE The appearance of the castle is not acknowledged in any of the film credits o...